IDO Rules
I. Tier System
FuelPad offers a tiered system with various pool weights and staking requirements. These tiers determine the allocation ranges you can receive in an IDO.
1. Bronze
Staking Requirements: 200,000 FUEL
Pool Weight: 5
2. Silver
Staking Requirements: 360,000 FUEL
Pool Weight: 10
3. Gold
Staking Requirements: 720,000 FUEL
Pool Weight: 15
4. Platinum
Staking Requirements: 1,000,000 FUEL
Pool Weight: 25
II. IDO Models
FuelPad provides two distinct IDO models to cater to different investor preferences and risk profiles:
1. Protected IDO
In a Protected IDO, the distribution of tokens is managed based on the project's vesting schedule. The FuelPad Council (FPC) will oversee and make decisions to ensure investor funds are safeguarded.
Example Scenario: You invest $1,000 in a Protected IDO with a vesting period of β30% at TGE, then linear vesting over 2 months.β
At TGE (Token Generation Event):
If the token price is above the IDO price within 24 hours, you can claim the tokens with no refund option.
If the token price is below the IDO price within 24 hours, the FPC will decide whether to offer a refund or allow token claims.
If Claim: You receive 30% of the IDO tokens.
If Refund: You get 30% of your investment, i.e., $300, back.
At 2nd Claiming Tranche:
The FPC will evaluate the situation again and decide.
If Claim: You receive 35% of the IDO tokens.
If Refund: You get 35% of your investment, i.e., $350, back.
At 3rd Claiming Tranche:
The process is similar to the 2nd tranche.
Note: This model does not include a 2-hour refund mechanism. It aims to fully protect investors' funds through the FPCβs oversight.
2. Self-Determined IDO with 2-Hour Refundable Mechanism
In a Self-Determined IDO, token distribution follows the projectβs vesting schedule, but investors have the option to claim or refund their investment within 2 hours of TGE.
Refund Mechanism:
Available For: All IDOs including Guaranteed, Community, KOLs, and MVKB rounds (excluding Private Sales).
Window: Refunds can be requested within 2 hours after the first claiming time.
Claiming Without Refund: If you claim at TGE, the remaining investment cannot be refunded.
Fees: Refunds are free of charge, though blockchain fees may apply.
Token Distribution:
Tokens can be distributed via smart contract or manually. For manual distribution, transaction fees will be deducted from the tokens or in USDT on the ERC20 chain.
Vesting Support: The final claim support issue will be available up to 2 months after the last vesting date. The pool will be removed after this period.
Last updated